Sims 4 Pregnacy Mod
It should in a folder at one level deep in the Sims 4 mod folder structure. For example, “ The Sims 4ModsMCCC ” is ok but “ The Sims 4ModsScript ModsMCCC ” is not. The Sims 4 will only go one-level deep when looking for script mods.
Having a baby in The Sims 4 is easy, but waiting for them to age up through all the life stages can take a while. There isn’t a Sims 4 pregnancy cheat to make a baby just appear in the game. The best way to do that is to adopt a child by using a Sims’ phone or computer. So if you want to cheat for a baby in the Sims 4 , there are a few steps. Make sure to save your game along the way.
The first thing you need to do is ‘try for a baby’ with your partner. If two Sims have a high romance bar, you should see the interaction available. If not, you’ll need to cheat to max out the romance relationship scale with another Sim. Once the Sim is pregnant, you can force labor, cheat for twins and triplets, and age up. To get any Sim pregnant no matter the gender, make sure to select the ‘can get pregnant’ or ‘can get others pregnant’ option in CAS.
To start the whole process of trying for a baby, make sure testingcheats is enabled. Press Control + Shift +C to access command. Enter: testingcheats true or testingcheats on . If you get a message that reads 'cheats enabled,’ then you know you’ve done it right.
The second thing you’ll need for some of these pregnancy cheats is the Sim ID. To do so, enter sims.get_sim_id_by_name in command. You will get a long number, which represents the selected Sim.
For example: sims.get_sim_id_by_name Autumn Kelly
Sim ID: 390411335093060183
Maxing Out Romance
In order to try for a baby, you’ll need to increase the romance relationship with the Sim you wish to have a baby with. To do so, enter: modifyrelationship John Doe Jane Doe 99 Romance_Main. If you don’t want to max the romance status completely, enter a lower number, such as 50.
For example: modifyrelationship alex smith jean grey 99 romance_main
After maxing the romance bar, simply play out a few romantic interactions and ‘try for a baby’ options should become available. Make sure to use the same cheat for each Sim in the couple so the same level romance exists for both Sims.
For example, select the first Sim, enter the cheat. Then, select the second Sim and re-enter the cheat. Go to the relationship menu and click on the heart icon to make sure it worked. You’ll know the Sim is pregnant after trying for a baby one day after you woohoo. Or click on the toilet to take a pregnancy test and you’ll know right away. Now, you can induce labor.
After a Sim is born and testingcheats is turned on, changing the gender of any Sim is very easy. Enter cas.fulleditmode. Then, Shift + Click on the selected Sim to access CAS. Previously locked options, such as gender, name, and traits, and age will be available. There are also ways to influence the gender of the baby while the sim is pregnant without cheating.
For Boy- Eat carrots, listen to alternative music
For Girl-Eat strawberries and listen to pop music
There are ways to increase your chances of twins without cheating. For example, when familiar with the Wellness skill, a Sim can get a Fertility message if you have the Spa Day game pack.The ‘On Ley Line’ lot trait also increases the chances of twins. If you want to ensure your Sim will have twins by cheating, you’ll need your Sim ID. The command necessary to get that is explained above.
Once you have that number, you can cheat for up to seven kids. But remember, only eight Sims are allowed per household. I don’t know why any player would want to have seven babies at once, but if you want to have more than eight Sims in a household, you’ll need a mod.
Make sure to save your game along the way. Prepare to use the next cheat, force labor, right away. You’ll have to have the babies at home because traveling could break the cheat. Enter the number or babies you want to have after the Sim ID.
pregnancy.force_offspring_count 1341302010235 x
Induce Labor
Once a Sim is pregnant, you normally have to wait a few days for the Sim to go into labor. But not if you use this cheat: Sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor. You’ll be able to click on the Sim and have the baby right away.
Age Up
Sims 4 Pregnancy Mode
Simply click on the baby in the cradle to age it up at anytime after birth. From then on out, buy a birthday cake to age up a toddler to a child. But if you really want to speed things up even more, there’s a cheat. With testing cheats enabled and cas.fulleditmode entered in command, Shift + Click the Sim to change the life stage.
Sims 4 Pregnancy Mod Miscarriage
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Help with my mods or sims 4 in general–>Discord
This used to be with my Personality Please! mod. However, this didn’t have anything to do with a sims personality. By moving it over here instead it makes the other mod’s description easier to read and follow along with being able to find this mod more easily.I know that there are other mods that give a risky woohoo or change the try for baby chances. However, this mod here has more than just some changing of percents.
Want ghosts to have babies with this mod?–>Ghosts Can Have Babies!
Want Teen and YA & A Romance and Mess Around?–>Teen/Adult Romance & Mess Around
Change Log–>3/14/18<–Keep up with the mods changes!
Always remove the old files and replace with the new files
Change Log: 3/14/18
ADDED: New Add-On to give teens pregnancy buffs
Change Log: 2/27/18
Patch 2/22/18: Patch added new categories for the new Jungle Adventure Pack.
Sims 4 Pregnancy Mod Miscarriage
Change Log: 12/07/17
REQUESTED: Woohoo be changed to “Risky Woohoo”
ADDED: Lighthouse location
Things you will find in this mod:
- NEW Pregnancy buffs for teens
- Woohoo changed to “Risky Woohoo”
- Possible infertility
- Possible pregnancy difficulties
- All sims will have a different fertility level
- Increase in chances based on location
- Variety of flavors for each category
- Pregnancy test with woohoo/risky woohoo
- Decrease in chances based on location
- Age groups have different fertility levels
- Wishing well, fertility message and fertility is not always a garauntee pregnancy
- 100% isn’t always a garauntee pregnancy
- Certain traits will either increase or decrease risky woohoo chances
Teen Pregnancy Buffs
Basically all this will do is add pregnancy buffs to your female teen sim. With out this, your teen will not have the buffs so if you miss the “Eating for TWO” broadcast at the top or do not take the pregnancy test the teen’s pregnancy will be a surprise till their tummy starts to get big.
Risky Woohoo!
NEW: Woohoo is now changed to “Risky Woohoo”
Current String Translations:
So what does this offer?
Well you get the possibily of a pregnancy with regular woohoo. However, it is a little more than just adding pregnancy chances to the game. This will increase or decrease the possibilities based on the traits of the sim.
Basically what it means is this Risky Woohoo is based off the chances of a sim using protection of some sort during woohoo. These are based off of the sims traits. Depending on the traits this could either raise the percentage from a small amount to a large amount or lower the chances the same. For example: Out of 3 generations, I had 2 sims who apparently didn’t care if they “accidently” got pregnant by their lack of protection usage while my 3rd sim was very careful and never got pregnant by accident with Woohoo.
These are percentages, meaning a pregnancy could happen the first time or it could take several times. In my testing I tested with the 5% chance and it took 6 times before a pregnancy and another time it took 2 times, again this depends greatly on the sims traits. The lower percentage you have, the greater the chance of a sim never getting pregnant with this interaction.
I packaged all the flavors into one so I am not filling up the download section with flavors. Just unzip the file and add in the one you want. The percentage is in the title of the package.
Percentages:<–Only choose ONE
1% Chance
2% Chance
3% Chance
4% Chance
5% Chance
10% Chance
15% Chance
20% Chance
25% Chance
30% Chance
Traits Used along with my reasoning for using them:
Some of these traits will increase the percentage and some of these will also decrease the percentage. All will still have a possibility in pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is not included with this mod.
Increases Percentage
NEW Bad Manners<–Doesn't really care what the other sim wants
NEW Argumentative<–Tends to argue about it and wins
NEW Alluring<–To many hearts in the eyes to think straight
NEW Creative<–Won't stop being creative
NEW Dastardly<–A mischievous way to get at a sim
NEW Evil<–Doesn't always do nice things
NEW Family Sim<–Wants large families
NEW High School Grade C, D, F <–These have different amounts. I looked it as the sim having different levels of knowledge of the subject
NEW Hot Headed<–Gets mad often so this is payback
NEW Alien Pollinator<–Wants more of their kind in the universe
NEW Jealous<–Their way of making the sim tied to them
NEW Player<–Can't keep track of that plus their conquests!
NEW Socially Gifted<–Pretty good at what they do with others interferes with logical decisions.
Family Oriented<–Since they love children I see them forgetting to use protection a few times
Teen<–Only if you have a mod that enables teen. This does not. Teens tend to be irresponsible and don't bother with protection
Lazy<–To lazy to use protection
Insane<–They're insane! What more can I say
Clumsy<–Don't always get protection used properly
Kleptomaniac<–Keeps things for so long they lose effectiveness
Childish<–Doesn't usually think like an adult
Decreases Percentage
NEW Good Manners<–Good to others
NEW Commitments Issues<–Doesn't want to be tied down by a child
NEW Elder<–Infertility issues
NEW Had Woohoo<–Has a better understanding on how things works
NEW High School Grades A & B<–More educated now on the subject
NEW Observant<–Pays attention to what is going on more
NEW Young Adult<–Sometimes protects, sometimes not
NEW Adult<–Less likely to forget
Self Assured<–They are so sure of themselves they check it twice!
Hates Children<–Paranoid of having kids they check it 3 times!
Good<–Trying to be good takes a lot of double checking
Perfectionist<–They are just so perfect!
Compassionate<–They think of others and respect their wishes
Insane<–Really asking me why on this one!
So about the extra increases and decreases of the percentage. Depending on what flavor you choose their increases will be different. I didn't want the increases to be super high so the chances cap out around 40-45 percent, Unless there are more traits involved. Not all of them are that high. Most are a lot lower and closer to the flavor that you choose again depending on how many traits the sim has that are listed above.. Thats just the highest possibilities. Basically more than one trait will create a different percentage. My sim that couldn't get pregnant because of her traits using the 15% gave her about a 1.2%-2.4% depending on fertility treatments and locations. She still could get pregnant but its a lot less likely. If there is only one trait then they all have a pregnancy chance.
A few of those traits are from the parenthood pack. Parenthood is not required! However, if you do not have parenthood then those traits will not be in your game and will not affect the risky woohoo percentage.
Locations Include:<–Let me know if I missed any!
NEW Lighthouse
Steam Room
Rocket ship
Hot tub
Try For Baby Chances
This changes the percentage a sim will start out with on fertility as a baby. Depending on how the sims life goes will start to shape their fertility as a teen to an adult.
What do you mean shape their fertility?
I didn’t put in anything into the percentages that will deal with anything from a baby. So the baby will start off with the percentage you choose. As a toddler through Teen they will start learning life skills/lessons. These will take into effect the sims fertility. Teen’s education will also take into effect the percentage. Once they turn Young adult their fertility will change again. Age effects fertility and starting with teens, the fertility chances will decrease as the sim ages. Changing a sims personality by purchasing lifetime rewards will also effect some of the sims fertility. There are also certain things the sim could do during their lifetime that will also effect fertility. All that has been put into the fertility percentage is done by random. There is no rhyme or reason to what I chose. I wanted it to be as random as possible when sims are growing in the game. The fertility percentage will be unknown. However, if you are trying and trying and trying and trying to get your sim pregnant and nothing is happening, let me know by giving me your try for baby percentage, your sims age, any rewards the sim has purchased, their traits, and their life skills they learned and I will give you an approx. fertility level of that sim.
Are there ways to help my sims fertility?
Yes! There is a couple locations that will increase their fertility while there are some that will decrease it. As of now Fertility trait, Fertility Message and The Wishing Well will give a boost in fertility for the sim that has the buff. If there are any other fertility things in the game like that please let me know, as I haven’t come across any others in game.
Why did you make it so sims could be infertile or difficult to get pregnant?
Well I like things to be different in game No seriously, I’m the type that doesn’t like all my sims to be the same and changing their fertility is just another way I can make my sims different and add a little more drama to story telling.
Wishing well, Fertility trait, or the fertility message will NOT guarantee a pregnancy, even 100% isn’t a guarantee.
Locations affected by this mod:<–Let me know if I missed any!
NEW Lighthouse
Hot tub
Rocket Ship
Steam Room
As a Bat
Currently there are 8 flavors. Only Choose ONE
NEW 30 Chance
40 Chance
50 Chance
60 Chance
70 Chance
80 Chance
90 Chance
100 Chance
MCCC Woohoo module will conflict with this. It doesn’t cause it to break but it will override the percents. I’m not sure what else it will override, this mod also could override some of what it offers.
This mod does not add locations to your game. If you do not have the pack that has those locations or those traits they will not be added to your game, they just won’t be there.