Best Windows 7 Themes 2018
Unlock hidden Windows 10 Themes. Some themes you can unlock yourself! The Windows 7 beta has some hidden & locked themes that were created for countries all over the world (Australia, Canada, Great Britain, United States and South Africa). Actually it’s pretty easy to unlock them. Step Simply open the Explorer (Windows + E) and goto C: Windows winsxs.
One of the things I like about Windows 7 is its user interface. The Aero glass transparency is the key reason why Windows 7 looks so elegant and polished compared to other versions of Windows.
The lack of Aero glass transparency is probably one of the first things you notice after upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Microsoft has dropped Aero glass transparency from Windows 8/8.1 as well as the latest Windows 10.
The lack of Aero glass transparency might extend the battery time (see Battery Saver in Windows 10) but the user interface looks so dull and boring without the Aero glass transparency.
Windows 7 Aero visual style for Windows 10
If you have upgraded from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 and missing the eye-candy Aero glass transparency theme, you can now download Windows 7 Aero theme for Windows 10.
Developed by Sagorpirbd (the one who ported Windows XP themes for Windows 10), Windows 7 Aero Theme for Windows 10 brings the beautiful Windows 7 Aero glass UI to Windows 10. The pack includes original Windows 7 wallpaper, Windows 7 Start orb, and read me file containing instructions to install the theme.
As you likely know, you just can’t get Aero glass in Windows 10 by installing a theme/visual style. You need to first enable Aero glass transparency by downloading and installing Aero glass for Windows 10 software. After enabling Aero, you need to download and apply Windows 7 Aero theme for Windows 10 to make the UI look like Windows 7.
Note that you need to manually change the start orb, if you want to use the Windows 7-style start orb. Although there is no software around to change the Start button of Windows 10, you could try out Windows 8.1 Start Changer for the job. Likewise, if you need to Windows 7-style desktop gadgets, download desktop gadgets for Windows 10.
Installing Windows 7 Aero theme for Windows 10
If you’re not sure how to download and install the theme, here is how to do it.
Step 1: First enable Aero glass transparency in Windows 10 by downloading and installing Aero Glass for Windows 10 software. It’s worth noting that the Aero Glass for Windows 10 is not completely free.
Step 2: Once Aero is enabled and working, download and run UXStyle for Windows 10. This is because, with default settings, Windows doesn’t allow installing third-party themes. We need to install UXStyle software to be able to install and apply third-party themes in Windows.
Step 3: Download Windows 7 Aero glass theme for Windows 10 by visiting this page. The theme supports both 32 and 64-bit Windows 10 systems.
Windows 7 2018 Edition Theme
Extract the RAR file to get a folder named 7 Aero theme for Windows 10. Open up the folder to see two more folder titled Theme and Start orb.
Best Windows 7 Nature Themes
Step 4: Open the Themes folder located in the Windows directly of Windows 10. To do so, open Run command box, type %windir%ResourcesThemes and then press Enter key.
Step 5: Copy all the files from Theme folder (that you obtained in Step 3 after extracting the downloaded file) to Themes folder of Windows 10.
Step 6: Right-click on desktop, click Personalization, click the newly installed Windows 7 Aero Theme to apply it. That’s it!
If there is a better Windows 7 theme for Windows 10, do let us know by leaving a comment.