Mutilate A Doll 2 Rava

Posted on
  1. Multiate A Doll 2 Vanilla Version
  2. Mutilate A Doll 2 Hacked
  3. Mutilate A Doll 2 Y8

Welcome to the 'PLEASE UPDATE' Update

At long last, your eloquent pleas for an update have been answered.

Today I'm introducing two new editions of downloadable MaD2.

Mutilate-a-Doll 2 is a virtual stressball physics sandbox about mutilating ragdolls in various ways using an overwhelming amount of items. There are over a thousand items in the game to build, destroy, or of course mutilate.

You can find all the relevant information below, or on the game page. If you're here just for the update, you can skip right to 'Edition Info.'

Wait? What's that? It costs money? That's right, and honestly, I didn't want to do it.

Back when I first released the original Download Version (in January 2015), I offered it - and all of the free content updates - using the Pay What You Want (PWYW) model offers. It didn't go so great. At all. I then stopped supporting the download version at the end of 2015 because it just wasn't worth it.

Nuts and Bolts

If you're interested in the details behind the change to go from purely PWYW to paid, you can find the analytics from the
past few years below for full transparency.

The stats are from January 2015 to January 2018 (as of writing) here on

242,387Downloads (73% of which is the .exe version)
151Purchases (50% of which is $1 or under)

To elaborate:

0.06% of the downloads were purchases, and the total earnings, over three years, is less than a month's revenue MaD2 makes on other platforms.

I'm grateful to everyone who purchased it (especially those who went above and beyond with PWYW, three highest purchases being $50, $35 and $30), but I'd also be lying if I said I didn't expect a lot more people wanting to pay.

And yes, it's solely my own fault in the end for not setting a minimum price in the first place, or even after the first year. I figured offering a local, offline, ad-free version and supporting it with updates on top of that would be enough, but in the end 'PWYW' unfortunately seems to equal 'Free.'

As far as the inevitable pirates go, since there's now a paid version, I'm not doing anything to lock the game when played locally. Enjoy. Just please support the game, or any of my future projects, once you can.


Edition Info

The old Download Version will be rebranded as Base Edition. It will be free. You can't pay for it even if you try.

Going forward, the price for MaD2 will be $10.

I feel like it's a nice round number that makes it easy to do math during the relatively frequent sales I'll be having, and as such, the edition is called Wait For Sale Edition (WFSE). If you were one of the 151 early adopters who previously purchased MaD2, thank you, and you should receive the WFSE automatically.

The first sale is ongoing right now, at 30% off, during launch. You can find the sale info here, or on the game page.

In addition to the WFSE, I'm offering a $100, never discounted, Feed The Developer Edition for those potential few who might really love the game and have enough disposable income to spend on mostly just supporting and motivating the developer, myself. And as a carrot, I'm offering optional item/power design with the edition.


  • Offer a choice between Flash (.swf) and Windows (.exe) when downloading.
  • Can be played locally offline, with no registration or DRM handshakes.
  • User content portion of the game does not work in any edition, as it relies on Kongregate's API. Contracts may be disabled at some point down the line, because they're pretty much unusable locally as they rely on the multiplayer component.

Base Edition

  • Base game with content updates included, up until the December 2015 update.
  • Unsupported (but not completely broken, it's very much playable.)

Multiate A Doll 2 Vanilla Version

  • Free

Wait For Sale Edition

  • Full game with all current content updates included (latest being the Power Update in November 2017 as of writing.)
  • All future content updates included.
  • Supported with additional polish and bug fixes compared to Base Edition.
  • Support for importing item models to the game from the game's free item editor, MaD Lab.
  • $10$7.00 launch sale (But you can also choose to pay more if you feel like it.)

Feed The Developer Edition

Mutilate A Doll 2 Hacked

  • Same details as Wait For Sale Edition.
  • You get to work* with** me to design an Item or a Power. You may choose to receive*** the result exclusively personally, or to be added to the game for everyone.
  • I love you.
  • $100 (To get this edition, enter this edition's price as the purchase price on checkout, then contact me with the
    receipt. Contact me for bulk deals, or if you have something fancy in mind. I'm very open to discussion.)

(* You come up with the ideas, and I'll do all the grueling work. Motogp 2010 pc game free download.

** I have to retain all rights, including refusing and altering your idea during and after implementation until the end result is decent.

*** The implementation and delivery time may vary wildly.)

Mutilate a Doll 2

Mutilate a Doll 3 Game is upcoming Game still not available we don't confirm when its out still no news from developer of game still working on old version Mutilate a Doll 2 if you are the fan of this physics base game you need to wait until it 217 available maybe its different from 2nd version or maybe same with more functions Mutilate a Doll 2 will be focused on destroying dolls with weapons this game is best for stress releasing game allow user to take out their frustrations on ragdolls to harm him or kill him what ever lot of tools available in game.

The Benefits of Playing Mutilate a Doll 2

Since there are a wide selection of game context and types, you could find an age-appropriate game for any age group. For instance, if your child needs help with a certain subject in his or her school, you could find her a suitable game that will help him or her with his or her problem.

Apart from this, adults can find different games that will also help them in building their critical-thinking and memory skills. Many of these physics games are simple and easy to defeat as long as you have the ability to think strategically.

Mutilate a Doll 2 is creatively designed with the concept of sharpening your mental abilities and if you don't find enjoyment and excitement in playing games that need problem solving skills, you may not be interested in Mutilate a Doll 2. There are lots of ways in which Mutilate a Doll 2 is educational.

Mutilate A Doll 2 Y8

This game helps you with strategic thinking since you are faced with an obstacle that you must overcome in order to win. When it comes to mental aspect, your coordination skills are highly needed. You need to carefully follow the commands and this is when your hand and eye coordination comes into play.If you have a free time, don't miss to try and play Mutilate a Doll 2 that will help you to boost your strategic thinking and coordination skills. To know and learn more about Mutilate a Doll 2, there are online tutorials that will provide you with helpful guides in playing this game. io Games - Run 4