Cisco Tftp Server Commands

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How do you redirect an output to a local file when executing a cisco command?

The three most common commands used for image copying are: copy tftp flash. Copy rcp flash. Copy slot0: slot1: The example below illustrates the procedure to follow for copying the system image from one device to another (for example, from one slot/disk to another slot/disk) on Cisco 3600 series routers. Is your tftp server running? Can you ping the server? Is the full directory path specified? Try running the 'write net' command to save a config file (different name than your current saved file), and see where it lands on your tftp server.

Let's say I would like to execute 'show interface description inc mcRNC411' and I would like to redirect its output in a local file named C:output.txt.

Thank you. :)


migrated from stackoverflow.comSep 21 '12 at 16:13

Cisco Tftp Server Commands Windows 10

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Cisco tftp command line

3 Answers

This depends on the OS the devices is running (IOX, NX-OS etc) and the version it is on.

For a typical IOS device the details are here.

Use show run i username redirect flash0:/output.txt

Although not all devices support using two pipes, and/or the redirect (or tee) command. Again, it depends on your device and OS.


UPDATETo have the update sent to your local computer as C:output.txt is only possible, when using just the built in features on the switch, via URL redirection. The redirect command saves the output to a URL like the example given, 'flash:/output.txt'.

This can also be TFTP redirect tftp:// but this requires you to set up a TFTP server. You can see from the help output of the redirect command many other protocols are available;

Since you are on Windows (I assume, with the mention of 'C:'), if you are using Hyperterminal you can capture the output of commands to a local file: See this reference.

I can't advise you on all terminal emulation programs there are too many, but there are multiple that have this same 'capture to file' feature.

Last but not least, a simply copy and paste would surely do? ;)

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Can you just log the session? Every terminal emulator I've used in.. well, since I can remember offers the option to log all your session input and output to a file on the machine you're running it from.

Generally, on Windows (which you seem to be using) you can also select and copy the contents of a terminal or CLI window by right clicking on the title/menu bar and selecting the appropriate option from the context menu as well.

Cisco Tftp Command Line

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It's as simple as below:

You login to your router or switch.In the # mode, you type the following command

Cisco Tftp Server Commands Settings is your tftp server(hope you have one. If not just download solarwind tftp application and install it on any of your server. Just configure it to show the where the files to be stored by default)

routerbackup is your file name..doc is the type of file you want. you can have .txt or any other foramt.Now your file will be in the designated folder on in word document format.

That's all :) Enjoy Cisco

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Sayyid MohammedSayyid Mohammed

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