Template Punto De Venta
- <t t-extend='ClientDetailsEdit'>
- <t t-jquery='.detail client-name' t-operation='append'>
- <span>Direccion</span>
- <input name='direccion' placeholder='Direccion'></input>
- </t>
- odoo.define('punto_de_venta.pos_partner', function (require) {
- var PosBaseWidget = require('point_of_sale.screens');
- var _t = core._t;
- var PaymentScreenWidget = PaymentScreenWidget.extend({
- var self = this;
- },
- var self = this;
- var methods = $(QWeb.render('ClientDetailsEdit', { widget:this }));
- methods.on('click','.detail client-name',function(){
- self.click_detail client-name($(this).data('id'));
- methods.on('click','.mode-button',function(){
- });
- },
- });
- <odoo>
- <template name='custom_key_pad' inherit_id='web.assets_backend'>
- <script type='text/javascript' src='/punto_de_venta/static/src/js/pos_partner.js'></script>
- </template>
- <xpath expr='//field[@name='nombre']' position='after'>
- </xpath>
Programa Para Punto De Venta
To create a template: Go to 'Space Tools' in the sidebar, select 'Content Tools' and create a new template. Click 'Page Layout' and add sections and columns to your page. Add headings and sub-headings as needed. Choose 'Instructional Text' from the 'Template' menu and add text that is only visible in the editor. Save your template.
About this tutorial:
Video duration: 8:22
Link de descarga – Actualizacion Abril 2016 – con Codigo QR – Contraseña: 123 – Baja la Carpeta Tools y el archivo Excel.
Versión de prueba
Punto de Venta
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