Clifford Brown Transcribed Solo Blues Walk
Jordu duke jordan from clifford brown max roach 1955 josh gilbert trumpet episode clifford brown transcriptions project. Solo transcription clifford brown. The brown book provides many transcriptions. Clifford brown solo transcriptions dr. In 1954 max roach and clifford brown teamed to form one jazzs finest bop groups. Transcription of Clifford Brown's legendary solo on the tune 'Blues Walk'. 7 choruses of improvisation on 12-bar Bb blues. Bright tempo (about 250). Clifford Brown’s first recording session (March 1952) found him playing brief solos on jump songs by the R & B group, Chris Powell and the Five Blue Flames. His solo on Ida Red contains elements of the blues, even though the tune itself is not a blues form. By incorporating some to-the-point blues motives, Brown demonstrates how the blues.
Clifford Brown Transcribed Solo Blues Walk In Clinic
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This album is pretty special to me because it was one of the first jazz albums I ever really got into. Harold Land and Clifford Brown are probably the first two jazz musicians that I really studied and tried to emulate and have had quite an influence on me. This selection in particular has stuck with me a) because it’s just really fun to listen to Clifford and Harold trading all the way down to 1/2 measures and b) it demonstrates a high level of communication between these musicians.